“Paris 1”

Collaboration with “Côté Maison”
store, Lyon

The clients sought a functional and aesthetically pleasing arrangement for this apartment, with a specific emphasis on integrating an office space into the living room while maximizing the use of the entire sloped surface area.

As the apartment is intended for rental, our goal was to establish a sophisticated decor that resonates with a wide audience, allowing individuals to add their personal touch. We created a warm and modern atmosphere, infusing character into the apartment, making it not only visually appealing but also conducive to rental appeal.


Collaboration with “Côté Maison” store, Lyon

The clients sought a functional and aesthetically pleasing arrangement for this apartment, with a specific emphasis on integrating an office space into the living room while maximizing the use of the entire sloped surface area.

As the apartment is intended for rental, our goal was to establish a sophisticated decor that resonates with a wide audience, allowing individuals to add their personal touch. We created a warm and modern atmosphere, infusing character into the apartment, making it not only visually appealing but also conducive to rental appeal.